Edge Ware, LLC


Please check the FAQ page for helpful FastBreak Pro hints.

To Install the FastBreak demo from the FastTrack CD:

In the Edgeware folder there is a ReadMe file. Double-click on this file and follow the installation instructions. If you encounter any problems refer to the FAQ page or the FTBREAK.DOC manual for additional installation information. For information on using FastBreak and FastGraph together to develop trading strategies double-click on the UsingFastBreak&FastGraph file.

To Install the FastGraph demo from the FastTrack CD:

In the Edgeware folder there is a ReadMe file. Double-click on this file and follow the installation instructions. If you encounter any problems refer to the FAQ page or the FTGRAPH.DOC manual for additional installation information. For information on using FastBreak and FastGraph together to develop trading strategies double-click on the UsingFastBreak&FastGraph file.

Do not contact Investors FastTrack for help or support.

We prefer to handle support questions through email. Due to programs that search for email links to use for spam, we have to disguise our email address so our email address is email2ew(remove this)@edge-ware.com.  If your support issue can’t be handled by email, we will arrange for telephone support.

Copyright © 2023 Edge Ware, LLC
Last modified: January 16, 2023